in order to avoid duplication of work, and in particular to avoid duplication of testing,
registrants of phase-in substances should pre-register as early as possible with a database
managed by the agency. a system should be established in order to provide for the
establishment of substance information exchange fora (sief) to help exchange of
information on the substances that have been registered. sief participants should include
all relevant actors submitting information to the agency on the same phase-in substance.
they should include both potential registrants, who must provide and be supplied with any
information relevant to the registration of their substances, and other participants, who may
receive financial compensation for studies they hold but are not entitled to request
information. in order to ensure the smooth functioning of that system they should fulfil
certain obligations. if a member of a sief does not fulfil his obligations, he should be
penalised accordingly but other members should be enabled to continue preparing their
own registration. in cases where a substance has not been pre-registered, measures should
be taken to help downstream users find alternative sources of supply.